OSGmedia provides Digital Video, Audio and Podcasting Production Services, Consultancy and Training to help you promote your business and products more effectively.



Digital Media Production

and Online Promotion

for Your Business

Project Focus:

Casas de Lorca

Casas de Lorca are a developer of bespoke properties in the Murcia region of Spain.

They needed a series of videos demonstrating their properties to accompany an advertising campaign in a number of high-profile magazines in the UK.

OSG planned, filmed, edited and published 3 videos online, both to YouTube (for high-volume access) and as a Podcast on iTunes.

The footage was captured in High Definition, for possible re-use later in other projects.

Visit the Casas de Lorca Web Site to see how our video is being used

If you would like further information about our services, please contact us at:
